May 10, 2019
Now that the weather is finally cooperating, it actually feels like Spring! It’s hard to believe that we are heading into our final month of school! I'm not quite sure that I'm ready for the students to leave for middle school just yet! Can't they stay 5th graders forever?!
Please be sure to refer to the important upcoming dates at the end of this blog. We have so many exciting activities in the weeks ahead!
Here’s what we’ve been working in this week:
We are finishing up our exciting novel, George’s Secret Key to the Universe. The kids have enjoyed the plot twists and the wonderful character development! Other books within the series would make great summer reading choices! These books by Stephen and Lucy Hawking are really terrific!
We have been hard at work on our science fiction stories! Students have planned stories which include elements of science fiction such as time travel, advanced technology, or advanced life forms! Thus far, their stories sound amazing! They are really enjoying the creative aspects of narrative writing! We have also been honing our summary writing skills through our literacy targets.
We have started our final unit in math, one which focuses on division and decimals. We have recently been working with powers of ten and will be moving into the multiplication and division of decimals. We have been trying hard to make sure that all students are able to solve long division problems using the traditional method. Students who just recently learned this method will need to practice periodically over the summer to ensure retention heading into 6th grade.
Social Studies
We are currently learning about the Columbian Trade Route and the many animals, foods, riches and diseases that were traded between the Old and New Worlds during the time of Christopher Columbus. Last week your student brought home a letter explaining the details of our much anticipated Trade Fair, which takes place onFriday, May 24—which is also a half day of school.. Please periodically check in with your student to be sure that he/she is working at home on preparing the items needed for the Trade Fair.
Currently, as a part of our unit on Matter, we are learning about what causes substance to change. Students are learning how to use fair tests to plan an investigation. We will be planning and carrying out an investigation where we will mix together a variety of different substances. Students will develop a plan to identify which substances react together to form new substances.
Important Dates and Friendly Reminders
Friday, May 10 — Family Picnic 6:00-8:00 PM
Tuesday, May 14 — Early Release @ 2:00 PM
Thursday, May 17 — Band Extravaganza @ 6:30-8:00 PM
Friday, May 17— 5th Grade Spring Fling @ 6:30-8:30 PM
Monday, May 20 — Tour of Twin Groves
Tuesday, May 21 — PTO Special Lunch
Friday, May 24 — Half Day Release @ 11:45 AM // 5th Grade Trade Fair
Monday, May 27 — No School // Memorial Day